Arguing and Persuading Using the Five-Sentence Method


Have you ever been lost for words in front of an audience, meaning that what you wanted to say just didn't come across the right way? Do you often lack the necessary persuasive power in important situations? If so, we need to change something about that! Situations in which we are required to use arguments to convince arise every day, both in a professional and private context. In this e⁠-⁠training course, you will learn how to use the five-sentence method to make your arguments simple and above all, effective. Additionally, you will learn what makes a good argument, how to package it effectively, and how to select and apply an appropriate counter strategy for each type of counter-argument.

What is a macrolearning?

Comprehensive soft skills training for in-depth personal development. Macrolearning is a classic elearning course with a completion time of approximately 50 minutes. As a particularly intensive form of digital development, macrolearning promotes soft skills and sharpens personal profiles. For a holistic learning journey, PINKTUM Macrolearnings can also be combined with suitable compact Microlearnings.


Target group

  • All employees from all areas and levels of a company who want to be able to argue more convincingly in the future

Learning objectives

  • Successfully shaping arguments with the help of the five-sentence method

  • Recognizing the importance of the "right" discussion atmosphere and shaping discussions with attention to the factors necessary to achieve this

  • Successfully designing the situational entry, weighing the pros and cons, acting or reacting

  • Researching the content of discussion topics properly and classifying one's own arguments with the help of the ETHOS scheme

  • Prioritizing one's own arguments with the help of an analysis of the conversation partners and identifying benefit arguments

  • Giving more weight to arguments with the help of examples, proof, references, etc.

  • Using a purpose sentence to summarize the main point of your argument and formulate the consequences of it

  • Parrying factual counter-arguments with the appropriate counter-strategy

  • Deflecting verbal attacks with the appropriate counter-strategy of the 4 'I' method


Informing others
Being bold
Asserting yourself
Making yourself clear
Countering objections
Arguing benefits

Authoring tool



Enacted scenes
Transfer tasks
Knowledge Check
Interactive elements
Animated illustrative videos
Key messages
Moderated video lectures
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