Basics of customer-oriented communication according to Schulz von Thun in the insurance industry

Grundlagen der kundenorientierten Kommunikation nach Schulz von Thun in der Versicherungsbranche
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Total time 50 minutes

The e⁠-⁠training explains how misunderstandings often arise in communication and how they can be reduced. The focus is on the "four ears model" by Friedemann Schulz von Thun. Participants learn what typical reactions there are to the different forms of interpretation - the "four ears" - and how they can become aware of their own tendency to interpret statements in conversations. This promotes client-oriented communication.


Target group

  • Intermediaries and advisors who are active in the distribution of insurance products and employees who assist in the mediation or provision of advice.

  • Managers in the distribution of insurance products

Learning objectives

  • Using the "four ears model" by Friedemann Schulz von Thun, recognise which messages are being sent by clients at the relationship level.

  • Getting to know one's own listening and speaking behaviour

  • Know the different levels of communication and use them for communicating with insurance clients.

  • Be able to communicate coherently with insurance clients and colleagues and reduce friction caused by misunderstanding what is being said and heard


Working in a team
Working within a network

Authoring tool



Animated illustrative videos
Enacted scenes
Transfer tasks
Key messages
Knowledge Check
Interactive elements
Moderated video lectures
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