The six strategies of conflict resolution: Resolving conflicts in the insurance industry in a customer-oriented manner

Die sechs Strategien der Konfliktlösung: Konflikte im Versicherungswesen kundenorientiert lösen
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Conflict management


Total time 60 minutes

Dealing with conflict is a key success factor in the insurance industry. Different coping strategies are used when it comes to resolving conflicts - be it with customers, within a team or between departments. Conflict researcher Gerhard Schwarz has identified six key methods: Fleeing, fighting, giving in, delegating, negotiating and agreeing. In this course, employees of insurance companies learn how to use these strategies in a targeted and situation-specific manner. You will learn about the specific advantages and disadvantages of the methods, particularly in relation to typical scenarios in the insurance industry, and develop practical skills to resolve conflicts effectively and sustainably.


Target group

  • Intermediaries and advisors who are active in the sale of insurance products and employees who are involved in brokering or advising

  • Managers in the sales of insurance products

Learning objectives

  • Know the six essential strategies of conflict resolution

  • Recognize and expand your own preferred strategy of conflict resolution

  • Recognize the conflict resolution strategies of employees and colleagues

  • Be able to bring about “consensus” as the best strategy of conflict resolution


Resolving conflicts
Analyzing problems
Providing clarity
Acting fairly and with integrity
Showing caution

Authoring tool



Moderated video lectures
Animated illustrative videos
Enacted scenes
Transfer tasks
Interactive elements
Key messages
Knowledge Check
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