Master Certificates master-certificate-icon

With the PINKTUM Master Certificates, you sharpen your skills profile and are rewarded for consistent learning. Choose from different topic clusters for your personal development. Each cluster contains a selection of thematically appropriate e-trainings that you can flexibly compile as learning paths according to your needs. Once you successfully complete ten e-trainings from a topic cluster, you will earn a Master Certificate.
German-language learning paths for the PINKTUM Master Certificates can be completed in all subject clusters without restriction. We also offer the Master Certificates in English, French and Spanish. For these language versions, however, some e-trainings in the topic clusters will only be available at a later date.

Communication & Collaboration

The intricacies of communication are a daily challenge. The Communication & Collaboration topic cluster helps you to strengthen your personal communication skills. The learning paths deepen methods to promote team communication and to address different types of conflicts with solution-oriented strategies.
Aktives Zuhören
macrolearningActive Listening
Active ListeningActive ListeningActive ListeningActive ListeningActive Listening
In order to hear what the other person wants to say, it is not enough to simply listen. Important information can be lost if the listener does not fully concentrate on the conversation partner and - where necessary - encourage him to continue talking. One method for shaping this communicative process effectively is "active listening". It provides guidance that allows listeners to understand the concerns of the other party truly. "Active listening" is thus one of the most important communication tools for team workers and managers. "Active listening" shows participants how to achieve better results through concentration and verbal control techniques.
Feedback geben unter Kolleg:innen
macrolearningFeedback between Colleagues
Feedback between ColleaguesFeedback between ColleaguesFeedback between ColleaguesFeedback between Colleagues
Feedback is an essential tool for managing team cooperation. Feedback is a give and take where both can and must be learned. The importance of feedback for personality development was also recognized in the 1970s by social psychologists Joseph Luft and Harry Ingram. They developed the "Johari Window" which shows that self-perception and external perception differ. The Johari Window also says that through feedback, the "blind spot" can be reduced and the scope for action increased. Positive feedback usually leads to the stabilization and development of the addressed behavior. It clears the way for team-promoting behavioral changes.
Wertschätzend kommunizieren
macrolearningCommunicating with Respect and Appreciation
Communicating with Respect and AppreciationCommunicating with Respect and AppreciationCommunicating with Respect and AppreciationCommunicating with Respect and AppreciationCommunicating with Respect and AppreciationCommunicating with Respect and Appreciation
Those who manage to establish a good relationship with those they speak to can have more constructive discussions and achieve better work results. The key is communicating with respect and appreciation with a prerequisite of an "open ear" for one's own sensitivities as well as the known sensitivities of the person you're having a conversation with. This course aims to help you build up sustainable relationships with dialog partners through clear and precise "I⁠-⁠messages" on one hand, while simultaneously being aware of the other person's point of view. This creates the basis for constructive dialog.
Die sechs Strategien der Konfliktlösung
macrolearningThe 6 Strategies of Conflict Resolution
The 6 Strategies of Conflict Resolution
When it comes to resolving conflicts, people use different coping strategies. In this context, conflict researcher Gerhard Schwarz designed six methods – fleeing, fighting, yielding, delegating, negotiating and agreeing. Participants learn the advantages and disadvantages of these strategies and are guided to develop action competence in dealing with conflicts. 
Das Konfliktgespräch führen
macrolearningTalking through Conflict 
Talking through Conflict 
Simmering conflicts are toxic to the workplace – in terms of both atmosphere and productivity. However, most conflicts can be diffused or completely cleared up with conflict resolution techniques. In this interactive multimedia e⁠-⁠learning course, participants will learn how to prepare for conversations about conflict, how to conduct conflict resolutions, and how to ensure that everyone honors their agreements.
Die acht Kommunikationsstile nach Schulz von Thun
macrolearningThe Eight Types of Communicators
The Eight Types of CommunicatorsThe Eight Types of CommunicatorsThe Eight Types of CommunicatorsThe Eight Types of CommunicatorsThe Eight Types of CommunicatorsThe Eight Types of Communicators
Get to know the "eight communication types" according to Friedemann Schulz von Thun. This course is designed to raise awareness of the fact that people have different communication styles. It also makes them aware of their own preferred communication style. It is not about right or wrong communication styles, but rather about recognizing one's own style and, if necessary, developing or expanding it further.
Grundlagen der Kommunikation nach Schulz von Thun
macrolearningBasics of Communication
Basics of CommunicationBasics of CommunicationBasics of CommunicationBasics of CommunicationBasics of CommunicationBasics of Communication
Using Friedemann Schulz von Thun's "4⁠-⁠ears-model", the participants are made aware of the complex process of communication. They get to know and understand their personal communication behavior better. The participants also get to know "their" preferred ear. They learn to understand which messages they often send unconsciously. The training course encourages the participants to transfer the acquired knowledge into action competence.
Konflikte am Arbeitsplatz entschärfen und vermeiden
macrolearningAvoiding and Defusing Workplace Conflicts 
Avoiding and Defusing Workplace Conflicts 
Where there are people, there will be conflicts. This e⁠-⁠learning uses four methods to teach strategies for dealing with conflict. The earlier these methods are used, the faster a conflict loses its meaning and effect. The four methods are 1. Respect the emotional level. 2. Use humor as a tool to defuse conflict. 3. Learn to criticize fairly. 4. Consistently avoid power games. Through exercises and game scenes, participants are encouraged to try out these simple methods of conflict resolution in everyday life and thus acquire the competence to act. 
So funktioniert Kommunikation nach Paul Watzlawick
macrolearningHow Communication Works
How Communication WorksHow Communication WorksHow Communication WorksHow Communication WorksHow Communication Works
Understanding the highly complex puzzle of communication is simplified by Paul Watzlawick's "Five Axioms". This shows what certain communicative dynamics look like in practice, and how it is possible to positively shape communication. Dramatizations enable the participants to recognize communication patterns, thereby enabling them to communicate in a more goal-oriented way in the future.
Fragetechniken gezielt einsetzen
macrolearningHow to Use Questioning Techniques
How to Use Questioning TechniquesHow to Use Questioning TechniquesHow to Use Questioning TechniquesHow to Use Questioning TechniquesHow to Use Questioning Techniques
Questions set thought processes in motion. Nothing is more convincing than the answers we give ourselves. With the help of this training course, the participants will learn the fundamental difference between open and closed questions, and how to apply questioning techniques correctly.
Konfliktlösung unter Kolleg:innen nach dem Harvard-Konzept
macrolearningThe Harvard Approach to Conflict Management 
The Harvard Approach to Conflict Management 
The Harvard Concept is considered one of the most important methods of conflict resolution. Its core principles, such as distinguishing between interests and positions, are the basis for mediation and conflict resolution around the world. In this e⁠-⁠learning course, participants will learn how to apply the Harvard Concept to the challenges they face in their work. They will learn the key guidelines and be encouraged to apply the Harvard concept and in this way strive for win-win solutions. 
Konfliktarten kennen und erkennen
macrolearningUnderstanding and Identifying Types of Conflicts 
Understanding and Identifying Types of Conflicts 
The causes of conflicts vary in individual cases. Nevertheless, different types of conflict can clearly be identified in everyday life: Role conflicts, goal conflicts, assessment conflicts, personal conflicts and distribution conflicts. In this e⁠-⁠training, participants learn about the different types of conflict. This puts them in a position to analyze the causes of conflict and thus develop conflict solutions more quickly and in a more targeted manner. With the help of theoretical input, game scenes and exercises, participants are enabled to apply and implement what they have learned in their real-life environment. 
Interkulturelle Teams – Grundlagen der erfolgreichen Zusammenarbeit
macrolearningIntercultural Teams—Basics of Successful Cooperation
Intercultural Teams—Basics of Successful CooperationIntercultural Teams—Basics of Successful CooperationIntercultural Teams—Basics of Successful Cooperation
Due to increasing internationalization and globalization, cooperation in an international context is becoming more and more important. Working in intercultural teams offers great potential, but can often also be quite a challenge. This e⁠-⁠training course covers how to deal with cultural differences and teaches participants how prejudices and stereotypes can be overcome. How can cultural intelligence help in an intercultural context? How do you lay a good foundation for successful intercultural cooperation? What should you stay conscious of when working with people from other cultures? Find out here! These issues will be addressed in detail.
Interkulturelle Teams – Kommunikation mit Kolleg:innen aus anderen Kulturen
macrolearningIntercultural Teams—Communicating with Colleagues from Other Cultures
Intercultural Teams—Communicating with Colleagues from Other CulturesIntercultural Teams—Communicating with Colleagues from Other CulturesIntercultural Teams—Communicating with Colleagues from Other CulturesIntercultural Teams—Communicating with Colleagues from Other Cultures
Communication is everything when it comes to successful cooperation, including in an intercultural context. However, conflicts or misunderstandings occur frequently, especially between people from different cultures. This e⁠-⁠training course discusses how to adapt one's own communication, criticism, and conflict behavior in an intercultural work context, and how to effectively overcome language barriers. Course participants learn how they can succeed in interacting with people from different cultures in a respectful and appreciative way.
Hybrides Arbeiten: On- und offline punkten
macrolearningHybrid Work – Scoring in Online and Offline Settings 
Hybrid Work – Scoring in Online and Offline Settings Hybrid Work – Scoring in Online and Offline Settings 
This e⁠-⁠training prepares employees to work together in hybrid teams as successfully and as smoothly as possible. Participants learn how they can establish binding rules as a basis for hybrid collaboration and where the limits of hybrid work lie. In addition, hybrid team meetings, team cohesion—despite physical distance and the recognition and communication of individual needs and wishes are essential contents.