PINKTUM E⁠-⁠Learnings

Mit der OKR-Methode zielorientiert arbeiten
microlearningEnhancing Your Performance with the OKR Method
Enhancing Your Performance with the OKR MethodEnhancing Your Performance with the OKR Method
With OKR you learn to formulate your goals in small, flexible units, to communicate them transparently, and finally to achieve them with the help of key results.
Meine Kund:innen bringen mich mit unverhältnismäßigen Rabattwünschen aus dem Konzept
microlearningMy Customers Are Sidetracking Me with Unreasonable Discount Requests
My Customers Are Sidetracking Me with Unreasonable Discount RequestsMy Customers Are Sidetracking Me with Unreasonable Discount RequestsMy Customers Are Sidetracking Me with Unreasonable Discount RequestsMy Customers Are Sidetracking Me with Unreasonable Discount Requests
In four steps, this micro will show you how to respond constructively to excessive discounting demands from clients. With these simple steps, both negotiators save face and achieve their goals.
Kaufreue: Meine Kund:innen machen einen Rückzieher
microlearningBuyer's Remorse: My Customers Are Backing Out of the Deal
Buyer's Remorse: My Customers Are Backing Out of the DealBuyer's Remorse: My Customers Are Backing Out of the DealBuyer's Remorse: My Customers Are Backing Out of the DealBuyer's Remorse: My Customers Are Backing Out of the Deal
To ensure that your customers do not regret their purchase or exercise their right of withdrawal after a successful sale, you must also be there for them after the sales meeting. Here you can learn how to proactively and individually encourage them in their purchase decision.
Ich habe Angst, dass die KI meinen Job übernimmt
microlearningI Am Afraid That AI Will Replace My Job
I Am Afraid That AI Will Replace My JobI Am Afraid That AI Will Replace My JobI Am Afraid That AI Will Replace My Job
Being afraid of AI is the wrong reaction. We should see it as a tool and partner to simplify our own work processes and do what we really want to do.
Tipps für den betrieblichen Beziehungsaufbau
microlearningTips for Building Relationships in the Workplace
Tips for Building Relationships in the Workplace
Good relationships with your customers are the key to your success. Here's what to look for when meeting with them to build and grow the relationship
Gezieltes Teambuilding mit der Teamentwicklungsuhr
microlearningTargeted Team Building with the Team Development Model
Targeted Team Building with the Team Development ModelTargeted Team Building with the Team Development Model
Whether you're just building your team or they've been working together for a while, you can build team spirit at any stage. The team development model can help you find the right approach.
Kontaktchancen erkennen und nutzen
microlearningRecognize and Capitalize on Networking Opportunities
Recognize and Capitalize on Networking Opportunities
Good networking opportunities are sometimes missed or overlooked when acquiring new customers! Yet they are a prerequisite for effective, profitable business.
Netiquette beachten und online gut auftreten
microlearningPractice Netiquette and Have a Good Online Presence
Practice Netiquette and Have a Good Online Presence
Netiquette means acting politely and respectfully in a virtual setting. This will help you create a positive and professional atmosphere that will make your negotiation a success.
Souverän online auftreten
microlearningBe Confident Online
Be Confident Online
Wow your audience with a strong introduction, an engaging presentation, and a memorable conclusion.
Mit herausfordernden Trainingsteilnehmenden umgehen
microlearningDealing with Challenging Training Participants
Dealing with Challenging Training Participants
Some participants in a training session require more of your attention. Here's how to deal with five challenging types.
Teilnehmende durch die fünf Phasen eines Trainings begleiten
microlearningGuiding Participants Through the Five Phases of a Training
Guiding Participants Through the Five Phases of a Training
The group dynamics of a training typically go through five phases. As a trainer, you can guide participants through each of these phases.
Spielregeln für die hybride Zusammenarbeit
microlearningRules of the Game for Hybrid Collaboration
Rules of the Game for Hybrid Collaboration
This micro provides practical tips for more effective collaboration based on five basic rules for hybrid teams.
Vorurteile bewältigen
microlearningOvercoming Prejudice
Overcoming Prejudice
By being aware of your prejudices and questioning them, you will be able to interact with others in a respectful, appreciative, and mindful way.
Aufgaben im Blick behalten mit Stand-up-Meetings
microlearningUse Daily Stand-Up Meetings for Task Visibility
Use Daily Stand-Up Meetings for Task Visibility
Stand-up meetings are a common tool used in agile work to monitor the team's tasks and progress.
Erfolgreich kommunizieren mit dem Eisbergmodell
microlearningSuccessfully Communicating with the Iceberg Model
Successfully Communicating with the Iceberg Model
The iceberg model illustrates that interpersonal communication always takes place on several levels. Be aware of this complexity in order to communicate more successfully!
Sich selbst motivieren
microlearningStaying Self-Motivated
Staying Self-Motivated
There are some to-dos that you like to put off. This micro presents three possible motivational techniques for getting unpopular tasks done.
Kundenbeziehungen verbessern und vertiefen
microlearningImprove and Deepen Customer Relationships
Improve and Deepen Customer Relationships
The three basic rules in customer service are: spark emotions, communicate regularly and surprise customers with personalized attention.
Unterschiedliche Biases erkennen und vermeiden
microlearningRecognizing and Avoiding Biases
Recognizing and Avoiding Biases
Being aware of different biases can help you avoid discrimination and meet people on an equal footing.
Konflikte managen als laterale Führungskraft
microlearningManaging Conflicts as a Lateral Leader
Managing Conflicts as a Lateral Leader
As a lateral leader, you operate in a complex environment with many stakeholders. This provides opportunities for conflicts that need to be resolved.
Wie laterale sich von disziplinarischer Führung unterscheidet
microlearningHow Lateral Leadership Differs from Conventional Leadership
How Lateral Leadership Differs from Conventional Leadership
Lateral and disciplinary leadership differ in terms of the role, tasks and authority of the leader. This micro shows you what distinguishes lateral leadership and how to get started with lateral leadership.
Praktische Instrumente der lateralen Führung
microlearningPractical Instruments for Lateral Leadership
Practical Instruments for Lateral Leadership
With the right lateral leadership instruments, you can successfully lead, manage, and motivate your project team without being a supervisor.
Teilnehmende in Online-Meetings managen
microlearningEngage Participants in Online Meetings
Engage Participants in Online Meetings
The course describes three key elements to effectively engage participants in online meetings.
Verbale Angriffe mit der 4-I-Methode abwehren
microlearningDeflect Verbal Attacks with the 4⁠-⁠I⁠-⁠Method
Deflect Verbal Attacks with the 4⁠-⁠I⁠-⁠Method
You're in the middle of a heated discussion, your opponent is verbally attacking you and you don't quite know how to react? This course shows you how to stop unfair interlocutors, de-escalate the attack and maintain the dialogue.
Mit dem Haus der Veränderung durch Change-Prozesse führen
microlearningLeading Through Change Processes with the Four Rooms of Change
Leading Through Change Processes with the Four Rooms of Change
The four rooms of change describe four emotional phases that a person typically goes through during a change. Get to know the model so that you can better meet your employees individually and successfully accompany them through change processes.
So geht Kundenfokus – erste Schritte
microlearningCustomer Focus Works—First Steps
Customer Focus Works—First Steps
A good product is no longer enough to inspire your customers. It's also about making every touchpoint with your customers completely relevant to their needs. We'll show you how you can succeed.
Zusammenhalt im hybriden Team stärken
microlearningStrengthening Cohesion in Your Hybrid Team
Strengthening Cohesion in Your Hybrid TeamStrengthening Cohesion in Your Hybrid Team
Today, many teams are hybrid, meaning some employees work on-site and others remotely. Learn here how you can ensure strong cohesion in your hybrid team despite this physical distance.
Guten Geschichten auf die Spur kommen
microlearningTracking Down Good Stories
Tracking Down Good Stories
Authentic stories are a powerful way to inspire, entertain and persuade people. Find such stories to captivate your audience.
Mit der Heldenreise Zuhörer:innen fesseln
microlearningCaptivate Listeners with the Hero's Journey
Captivate Listeners with the Hero's Journey
The Hero's Journey is the perfect tool to entertain your audience and convince them about you and your company.
Mit Storytelling überzeugende Geschichten erzählen
microlearningTelling Compelling Stories with Storytelling
Telling Compelling Stories with Storytelling
Storytelling is a powerful way to persuade and inspire others. With storytelling, you embed your message in context and make it clear to your counterpart how important your idea is.
Mitarbeitende im Homeoffice weiterentwickeln
microlearningPromoting Development for Home Office Employees
Promoting Development for Home Office Employees
Home office employees need new and different skills, as well as equal opportunities for further training. This micro provides 5 tips to promote further development for home office employees.