Onboarding in the insurance company: Strategies for successful onboarding

Onboarding im Versicherungsunternehmen: Strategien für gelungenes Einarbeiten
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Basics of leadership


Total time 50 minutes

When new insurance brokers start work, well-prepared and structured onboarding makes a lot of sense. This ensures that the new team members are optimally introduced to insurance work right from the start and integrated into the insurance company in the long term. In this e⁠-⁠training course, managers in insurance sales learn about the three phases of onboarding - the preparation phase, the orientation phase and the integration phase - and receive plenty of inspiration for their own management practice.


Target group

  • Managers in the sale of insurance products

Learning objectives

  • Integrate new insurance employees into the company before they start work in order to prepare a smooth and productive start to their insurance work

  • Organise the first working day in such a way that the new insurance intermediaries can quickly familiarise themselves with their new tasks and customer responsibilities

  • Support during the first few weeks and provide orientation and the best possible professional familiarisation

  • Supporting long-term integration into the insurance company


Motivating employees
Supporting employees
Giving feedback
Informing others
Appreciating colleagues
Building trust
Communicating your vision

Authoring tool



Moderated video lectures
Animated illustrative videos
Enacted scenes
Transfer tasks
Interactive elements
Key messages
Knowledge Check
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