Business skills

Aside from interdisciplinary skills, leaders and employees also require specific settings and roles. For example, sales employees deal intensively with topics related to selling and negotiating – from building relationships to leading difficult negotiations. Moderation, presentation and project management skills, on the other hand, play an indispensable role in working world of most employees – not to mention agility and innovation.
Abschlüsse erzielen
macrolearningClosing the Sale
Closing the SaleClosing the SaleClosing the SaleClosing the SaleClosing the Sale
Many salespeople are excellent advisors, but often find it difficult to close the deal. This training enables sales staff to expand their skills by developing their closing technique. Using realistic scenes, you can observe how the purchase can be systematically completed. You will also learn how to terminate the sales process when it becomes clear that the customer does not want to buy.
Online-Verhandlungen führen
macrolearningOnline Negotiations
Online NegotiationsOnline NegotiationsOnline NegotiationsOnline Negotiations
More and more sales negotiations are being conducted online. This has many advantages, but also creates challenges. This e⁠-⁠training course, designed for experienced sales managers and sales professionals, deals specifically with the characteristic features of online negotiations. How can you build good relationships with your negotiating partners? How do you utilize the most constructive communication possible in online negotiations? And how do you resolve difficult situations? This e⁠-⁠training course answers these questions and shows you how online negotiations can intelligently and profitably expand your repertoire as a negotiation expert.
Einwände entkräften
macrolearningHandling Objections
Handling ObjectionsHandling ObjectionsHandling ObjectionsHandling ObjectionsHandling ObjectionsHandling Objections
"No!" does not always mean no. Objections do not mean disinterest on the part of the customer, but quite the opposite, potential attention. In order to be able to recognize, decode and, in the best case, crack objections from the other party, this course presents the ten most frequent objections and how to react to them. For example, the Acknowledgement Method, which consists of four stages - the acknowledgement phase, question phase, argumentation phase, and activation phase - has proven particularly effective here.
Kanban – die Methode
macrolearningWorking with the Kanban Board
Working with the Kanban BoardWorking with the Kanban BoardWorking with the Kanban BoardWorking with the Kanban BoardWorking with the Kanban BoardWorking with the Kanban Board
The Kanban Board is more than a planning tool. First, learn about the Board's development in the Japanese automotive industry, and get to know the "flow idea" behind Kanban. This will enable you to use the method more creatively and purposefully. Also included you will find a case study from the manufacturing industry that helps to apply Kanban to real life. Learn about the different ways to use a Kanban board and the most important elements such as "Work in Progress Limits" and the "Pull Principle".
Scrum – der Überblick
macrolearningScrum—The Overview
Scrum—The OverviewScrum—The OverviewScrum—The OverviewScrum—The OverviewScrum—The OverviewScrum—The Overview
Learn about the background and development of Scrum as described by Jeff Sutherland in his book "The Scrum Revolution" where Sutherland references the Toyota Principle and the Plan-Do-Check-Act Method. Additionally, get to know the basics of Scrum such as working in teams, focused work, and the division into product owner, scrum master and team. Finally, learn what the organization of a project looks like, according to scrum.
Design Thinking in der Praxis
macrolearningDesign Thinking
Design ThinkingDesign ThinkingDesign ThinkingDesign ThinkingDesign Thinking
This e⁠-⁠training was developed by design thinking practitioners. At the center is a real-life, anonymized project demonstrating how a manufacturer of garage doors developed new products and solutions using a design thinking process. Here, you will be introduced to concepts such as the problem space, the solution space, and the prerequisites needed in order to apply design thinking. In a special chapter, the Persona Concept is also presented using a practical example.
Gruppen in Präsenzveranstaltungen steuern
macrolearningManaging Groups in a Training
Managing Groups in a TrainingManaging Groups in a TrainingManaging Groups in a TrainingManaging Groups in a TrainingManaging Groups in a Training
One of the major challenges for business experts is the communicative complexity of dynamic groups. Trainers and presenters often encounter having to slow down frequent speakers, reset after disruptions, and keep composure in awkward situations. In this course, you will become familiar with these challenges and learn solutions that can help.
Meetings moderieren
macrolearningModerating Meetings
Moderating MeetingsModerating MeetingsModerating MeetingsModerating MeetingsModerating Meetings
Far too often, meetings are perceived as time wasters, which is indicative of just how frequently meetings are badly organized and run. The fact is, meetings fulfill important purposes every day. They are a good format for bringing everyone up to speed, help to identify what's going wrong, and can be used to generate new ideas. Without meetings, we would miss out on critical communication that keeps us afloat in a competitive, ever-changing market. Learn about various meeting formats, how to foster a productive atmosphere as the moderator of a meeting, and acquire all of the necessary tools for dealing with a broad range of challenges—from long-winded ramblers to interrupters.
Kreativitätstechniken – Methodenkoffer
macrolearningFostering Creativity—Methods for Your Toolbox
Fostering Creativity—Methods for Your ToolboxFostering Creativity—Methods for Your ToolboxFostering Creativity—Methods for Your ToolboxFostering Creativity—Methods for Your ToolboxFostering Creativity—Methods for Your ToolboxFostering Creativity—Methods for Your Toolbox
Every company wants creative employees with a neverending supply of good ideas. The phrase "Be creative!" has probably never spurred anyone on to imaginative high performance. But creativity can be encouraged and practiced. This e⁠-⁠learning introduces methods and techniques to generate creative ideas including Brainstorming and Brainwriting, the 635 Method, the Six Thinking Hats, the Walt Disney Method, and Stimulus Image Analysis. You will also receive valuable tips and "recipes" for a successful process. Additional transfer tasks help participants to integrate what they've learned into their everyday work.
Methoden und Werkzeuge der Online-Wissensvermittlung
macrolearningMethods and Tools for Online Knowledge Transfer
Methods and Tools for Online Knowledge TransferMethods and Tools for Online Knowledge TransferMethods and Tools for Online Knowledge TransferMethods and Tools for Online Knowledge TransferMethods and Tools for Online Knowledge Transfer
This e⁠-⁠learning discusses special features of online training and how to prepare an online training environment. Learn about special features in the knowledge acquisition phase and how to activate and manage participants.
Online-Meetings moderieren
macrolearningModerating Online Meetings
Moderating Online MeetingsModerating Online MeetingsModerating Online MeetingsModerating Online MeetingsModerating Online MeetingsModerating Online Meetings
Almost all the rules that apply to face-to-face meetings apply to online meetings as well. But besides good preparation, structured execution, and clear follow-up, other topics also play an important role. How do we deal with requests to speak? How can we hold creative meetings online? And how can we establish social proximity and trust in online meetings? Regardless of the features offered by online meeting tools and apps, this e⁠-⁠learning discusses how online meetings can also be made productive.
Trainings vorbereiten und konzipieren
macrolearningHow to Design and Prepare a Training
How to Design and Prepare a TrainingHow to Design and Prepare a TrainingHow to Design and Prepare a TrainingHow to Design and Prepare a TrainingHow to Design and Prepare a Training
One of the essential formats for the effective transfer of knowledge is face-to-face training. In this course, you will learn the basics of planning and designing a classroom training. This includes obtaining (and, if necessary, requesting) a goal-oriented briefing, elaborating on the goals of the training, planning the contents and methods, while also considering organizational challenges.
Beziehung aufbauen im Verkauf
macrolearningBuilding Relationships in Sales
Building Relationships in SalesBuilding Relationships in SalesBuilding Relationships in SalesBuilding Relationships in SalesBuilding Relationships in Sales
When building relationships in sales, it's not so much numbers, data and facts that count, but rather personality and likeability. One of the most important methods to achieve this is small talk. In this course, users will learn how to use small talk to build relationships. Additionally, this course discusses how you can use body language to respond to body language signals coming from the other person.
Customer Centricity – Kund:innen verstehen, begeistern und binden
macrolearningCustomer Centricity—Understanding, Inspiring and Retaining Customers
Customer Centricity—Understanding, Inspiring and Retaining CustomersCustomer Centricity—Understanding, Inspiring and Retaining CustomersCustomer Centricity—Understanding, Inspiring and Retaining CustomersCustomer Centricity—Understanding, Inspiring and Retaining Customers
Have you recently been excited to buy something or try a new service? What was it that grabbed your attention? It could’ve been a lot of things, but typically, when you're energized about a purchase, that means that the company you’re about to give money to did a great job of prioritizing the customer during the product or service's development. In this course, you will learn about customer focus and get tips on how to entice customers to try out the latest products or services.
Schwierige Verhandlungen führen
macrolearningDifficult Negotiations
Difficult NegotiationsDifficult NegotiationsDifficult NegotiationsDifficult Negotiations
Negotiations do not always follow the same pattern. There are negotiating partners* who can make life difficult for you and can present you with real challenges in a negotiation. In this e⁠-⁠training you will learn the most important tools to keep the upper hand even during difficult negotiations. How do you deal with conflicting interests? How do you manage to get a stalled negotiation going again? How do you confidently defend yourself against attacks and not get distracted from your negotiation goal? This course not only answers these questions but shows you how to achieve positive results, even in the most complex negotiations, by preparing efficiently.
Professionell verhandeln
macrolearningBasics of Negotiations
Basics of NegotiationsBasics of NegotiationsBasics of NegotiationsBasics of Negotiations
Successful negotiations are not based on luck, but on learned skills. This e⁠-⁠training introduces the most important tools needed to conduct successful negotiations. How can you strengthen the basis of your negotiation and enter well prepared? How do you know when to continue a negotiation and when to stop? How do you unerringly present your offer to your negotiating partner and argue the benefits of your product? This e⁠-⁠training provides useful answers to these questions. It shows you how you can successfully conclude your next negotiation via efficient preparation and highlighting benefits.
Niemand in meinem Team will durch Exzellenz hervorstechen
microlearningHow Can I Inspire My Team to Strive for Excellence?
How Can I Inspire My Team to Strive for Excellence?
Knowledge is shared within the team when employees recognize the benefits and advantages.
Warum geben meine Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter ihr Wissen nicht weiter?
microlearningWhy Aren't My Employees Sharing Their Knowledge?
Why Aren't My Employees Sharing Their Knowledge?
Employees often hesitate to share knowledge out of fear of becoming replaceable. By fostering a culture of appreciation, you can seamlessly integrate knowledge sharing into daily work practices.
Im Kundengespräch kochen öfter mal die Emotionen hoch
microlearningCustomer Conversations Can Sometimes Get Emotional
Customer Conversations Can Sometimes Get Emotional
When a customer conversation gets emotional, it’s important to hit pause and de-escalate. This microlearning offers practical strategies to help!
Das Verhalten meines Kunden oder meiner Kundin ist mir völlig unverständlich
microlearningI Can’t Make Any Sense of My Customer’s Behavior
I Can’t Make Any Sense of My Customer’s Behavior
There are situations where clients seem to act irrationally from our perspective. Their decisions may be completely baffling, and they might even act against their own interests. This microlearning will show you how a shift in perspective can help uncover the reasons behind their behavior.
Bedarfe ermitteln mit der GVZ-Methode
microlearningIdentifying Needs Using the GVZ Method
Identifying Needs Using the GVZ Method
With the GVZ method, you can specifically ask what drives your customers and which solutions make sense for them.
Die Werte des agilen Manifests
microlearningThe Values of the Agile Manifesto
The Values of the Agile Manifesto
These values highlight the significance of individuals and interactions, achieving meaningful outcomes, fostering close collaboration with customers, and embracing flexibility in the face of change. The emphasis is on effective communication to consistently deliver valuable results.
Mit Struktur und guter Vorbereitung gekonnt präsentieren
microlearningWow Your Audience with Organized and Prepared Presentations
Wow Your Audience with Organized and Prepared Presentations
Good preparation and organization are essential ingredients for a convincing presentation.
Zuhörer:innen catchen mit abwechslungsreicher Wissensvermittlung
microlearningCatching listeners with varied knowledge transfer
Catching listeners with varied knowledge transfer
The knowledge acquisition phase is the core of your skills and practice-orientated training. It is therefore important that you pay particular attention to this part of your presentation.
Wissen verankern mit nachhaltigem Wissenstransfer
microlearningAnchoring Knowledge through Sustainable Learning Methods
Anchoring Knowledge through Sustainable Learning Methods
The key to long-term success is transforming knowledge into actionable skills! Exercises, discussions, Q&A sessions, and role-playing activities all help in this process.
Analoge Methoden des Testings: Card-Sorting und Pre-Mortem
microlearningAnalogue methods of testing: card sorting and pre-mortem
Analogue methods of testing: card sorting and pre-mortem
In the testing phase, the aim is to adapt prototypes to the needs and wishes of customers as far as possible. The micro demonstrates how this can work cost-effectively and analogue using two methods.
Teilnehmende in Online-Trainings aktiv einbeziehen
microlearningActively involve participants in online training courses
Actively involve participants in online training courses
Online training is more effective when participants are regularly involved. Here we present strategies on how to achieve this.
Ich möchte die Geschäftsführung überzeugen, mehr in Prozessmanagement zu investieren
microlearningI would like to convince the management to invest more in process management
I would like to convince the management to invest more in process management
How you can use the right arguments to convince management of the need for process management
Mit der RACI-Matrix Zuständigkeiten im Team klären
microlearningClarify responsibilities in the team with the RACI matrix
Clarify responsibilities in the team with the RACI matrix
The clear categorisation of roles helps to identify the responsibilities and competencies of individual work steps during the ongoing process. This simplifies communication and ensures a smooth process.
Responsible AI: Künstliche Intelligenz verantwortungsvoll nutzen
microlearningResponsible AI: Using Artificial Intelligence Responsibly
Responsible AI: Künstliche Intelligenz verantwortungsvoll nutzenResponsible AI: Using Artificial Intelligence Responsibly
If you know about Responsible AI, it can help you to evaluate and deal with artificial intelligence in your everyday life.