Business skills

Aside from interdisciplinary skills, leaders and employees also require specific settings and roles. For example, sales employees deal intensively with topics related to selling and negotiating – from building relationships to leading difficult negotiations. Moderation, presentation and project management skills, on the other hand, play an indispensable role in working world of most employees – not to mention agility and innovation.
Meine Kund:innen bringen mich mit unverhältnismäßigen Rabattwünschen aus dem Konzept
microlearningMy Customers Are Sidetracking Me with Unreasonable Discount Requests
My Customers Are Sidetracking Me with Unreasonable Discount RequestsMy Customers Are Sidetracking Me with Unreasonable Discount RequestsMy Customers Are Sidetracking Me with Unreasonable Discount RequestsMy Customers Are Sidetracking Me with Unreasonable Discount Requests
In four steps, this micro will show you how to respond constructively to excessive discounting demands from clients. With these simple steps, both negotiators save face and achieve their goals.
Kaufreue: Meine Kund:innen machen einen Rückzieher
microlearningBuyer's Remorse: My Customers Are Backing Out of the Deal
Buyer's Remorse: My Customers Are Backing Out of the DealBuyer's Remorse: My Customers Are Backing Out of the DealBuyer's Remorse: My Customers Are Backing Out of the DealBuyer's Remorse: My Customers Are Backing Out of the Deal
To ensure that your customers do not regret their purchase or exercise their right of withdrawal after a successful sale, you must also be there for them after the sales meeting. Here you can learn how to proactively and individually encourage them in their purchase decision.
Tipps für den betrieblichen Beziehungsaufbau
microlearningTips for Building Relationships in the Workplace
Tips for Building Relationships in the Workplace
Good relationships with your customers are the key to your success. Here's what to look for when meeting with them to build and grow the relationship
Kontaktchancen erkennen und nutzen
microlearningRecognize and Capitalize on Networking Opportunities
Recognize and Capitalize on Networking Opportunities
Good networking opportunities are sometimes missed or overlooked when acquiring new customers! Yet they are a prerequisite for effective, profitable business.
Netiquette beachten und online gut auftreten
microlearningPractice Netiquette and Have a Good Online Presence
Practice Netiquette and Have a Good Online Presence
Netiquette means acting politely and respectfully in a virtual setting. This will help you create a positive and professional atmosphere that will make your negotiation a success.
Souverän online auftreten
microlearningBe Confident Online
Be Confident Online
Wow your audience with a strong introduction, an engaging presentation, and a memorable conclusion.
Mit herausfordernden Trainingsteilnehmenden umgehen
microlearningDealing with Challenging Training Participants
Dealing with Challenging Training Participants
Some participants in a training session require more of your attention. Here's how to deal with five challenging types.
Teilnehmende durch die fünf Phasen eines Trainings begleiten
microlearningGuiding Participants Through the Five Phases of a Training
Guiding Participants Through the Five Phases of a Training
The group dynamics of a training typically go through five phases. As a trainer, you can guide participants through each of these phases.
Aufgaben im Blick behalten mit Stand-up-Meetings
microlearningUse Daily Stand-Up Meetings for Task Visibility
Use Daily Stand-Up Meetings for Task Visibility
Stand-up meetings are a common tool used in agile work to monitor the team's tasks and progress.
Kundenbeziehungen verbessern und vertiefen
microlearningImprove and Deepen Customer Relationships
Improve and Deepen Customer Relationships
The three basic rules in customer service are: spark emotions, communicate regularly and surprise customers with personalized attention.
Teilnehmende in Online-Meetings managen
microlearningEngage Participants in Online Meetings
Engage Participants in Online Meetings
The course describes three key elements to effectively engage participants in online meetings.
So geht Kundenfokus – erste Schritte
microlearningCustomer Focus Works—First Steps
Customer Focus Works—First Steps
A good product is no longer enough to inspire your customers. It's also about making every touchpoint with your customers completely relevant to their needs. We'll show you how you can succeed.
Im Scrum-Team effektiv zusammenarbeiten
microlearningCollaborate Effectively in the Scrum Team
Collaborate Effectively in the Scrum Team
Scrum teams consist of a product owner, a development team and a scrum master. Agile teams are successful with the help of this clear distribution of tasks.
Mit agilen Tools den Arbeitsalltag effektiv managen
microlearningEffectively Manage Everyday Work with Agile Tools
Effectively Manage Everyday Work with Agile Tools
Agile tools can significantly facilitate and structure everyday work. With helpful companions like the product backlog, the sprint backlog and the increment, you can navigate confidently through any agile project.
VUCA wagen und meistern
microlearningDare and Master the VUCA World
Dare and Master the VUCA World
VUCA stands for Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity. This means that stable states are no longer the norm in our world today. The world is becoming increasingly ambiguous. In this micro, we show you how to master the VUCA world.
Online-Meetings erfolgreich durchführen
microlearningConducting Online Meetings Successfully
Conducting Online Meetings Successfully
This course covers the key points for preparing, conducting, and following up on online meetings so you can make them interactive and effective.
Mit Scrum innovativ und effektiv arbeiten
microlearningWork Innovatively and Effectively with Scrum
Work Innovatively and Effectively with Scrum
Scrum board, sprint, retrospective, review, product backlog... With this micro you will become an expert in scrum.
Hilfe! Meine Kund:innen finden mich nicht sympathisch genug!
microlearningHelp! I Don't Come-Off as Personable
Help! I Don't Come-Off as PersonableHelp! I Don't Come-Off as PersonableHelp! I Don't Come-Off as Personable
In this micro, it's all about coming across as personable and authentic to customers. Personability is based on appreciation and is a major competitive advantage in consulting and sales.
Nutzen argumentieren mit der 5-Stufen-Technik
microlearningArguing Benefits with the Five Step Technique
Arguing Benefits with the Five Step Technique
With the 5⁠-⁠step technique, you can specifically address the needs of your customers and inspire them with your product.
Im Voraus planen und entspannter präsentieren
microlearningPlan Ahead and You’ll Present More Relaxed
Plan Ahead and You’ll Present More RelaxedPlan Ahead and You’ll Present More RelaxedPlan Ahead and You’ll Present More Relaxed
Here's how to plan the framework of your presentation to avoid stress and embarrassment.
Besser präsentieren mit den vier „Verständlichmachern“
microlearningPresent Better with the Four ‘Presentation Zen’ Tips
Present Better with the Four ‘Presentation Zen’ TipsPresent Better with the Four ‘Presentation Zen’ TipsPresent Better with the Four ‘Presentation Zen’ Tips
Here you will learn how to use the four “Presentation Zen” tips to help your audience stay attentive during presentations and follow the content.
Das Harvard-Konzept
microlearningThe Harvard Concept
The Harvard Concept
With the four principles of the Harvard concept, you will achieve win-win solutions in negotiations and conflicts.
Kontinuierliche Verbesserungen mit dem PDCA-Zyklus
microlearningContinuous Improvement with the PDCA Cycle
Continuous Improvement with the PDCA Cycle
You can achieve a continuous improvement process with the PDCA cycle. Learn how you and your team can unleash new potential with Plan-Do-Check-Act!
Kernursachen finden mit dem Ishikawa-Diagramm
microlearningFinding Root Causes with the Ishikawa Diagram
Finding Root Causes with the Ishikawa Diagram
Description In order to learn from mistakes and use them for our further development, we first have to find and analyze them. Here you will learn how to determine the root cause with the Ishikawa diagram.
Sieben Arten der Verschwendung
microlearningSeven Types of Waste
Seven Types of Waste
Want to save time and money in your production and administrative processes? Here we show you how to use TIMWOOD to search for possible resource hogs.
Wertstrom verschlanken mit Line Balancing
microlearningUse Line Balancing to Streamline the Value Stream
Use Line Balancing to Streamline the Value Stream
Line balancing literally balances your production line. Here you will learn how to use it to align the times of all workstations in the process with the customer cycle to be achieved.
Prozesse visualisieren mit Kanban
microlearningVisualize Processes with Kanban
Visualize Processes with Kanban
Make processes and responsibilities transparent with Kanban. Learn how to use it to visualize your team's workflow.
Einwände entkräften mit der Quittungsmethode
microlearningCountering Objections with the Acknowledgment Method
Countering Objections with the Acknowledgment Method
The Acknowledgment Method helps to professionally refute objections from customers in sales talks and convince them of a product or service.
Auf ein „Nein“ von Kund:innen adäquat reagieren – „Nein“ ist nicht gleich „Nein“!
microlearningResponding Adequately to a "No" From Customers: "No" is Not Just "No"
Responding Adequately to a "No" From Customers: "No" is Not Just "No"
If customers say no, this does not automatically mean that they do not want to buy. Using these tips, you can respond in a constructive, appreciative way while still getting them excited about a purchase.
Innovativ und kundenorientiert handeln mit Design Thinking
microlearningActing innovatively and customer-oriented with Design Thinking
Acting innovatively and customer-oriented with Design Thinking
The Design Thinking process helps create innovative products that are attractive to customers. By following these six steps, you can truly understand your customers' problems and develop a sustainable, effective solution.