Master Certificates master-certificate-icon

With the PINKTUM Master Certificates, you sharpen your skills profile and are rewarded for consistent learning. Choose from different topic clusters for your personal development. Each cluster contains a selection of thematically appropriate e-trainings that you can flexibly compile as learning paths according to your needs. Once you successfully complete ten e-trainings from a topic cluster, you will earn a Master Certificate.
German-language learning paths for the PINKTUM Master Certificates can be completed in all subject clusters without restriction. We also offer the Master Certificates in English, French and Spanish. For these language versions, however, some e-trainings in the topic clusters will only be available at a later date.

Business Essentials

From classic to digital skills, this topic cluster covers relevant competencies for a convincing appearance in the workplace. The learning paths awaken your talents to lead presentations and meetings, manage projects across on- or offline channels, and refine a deep understanding of complex digital issues.
Big Data – Die Welt der Daten verstehen
macrolearningBig Data—Understanding the World of Data
Big Data—Understanding the World of Data Big Data—Understanding the World of Data Big Data—Understanding the World of Data
Big Data, Cloud, Artificial Intelligence (AI)—you've probably heard these terms before. But are you able to explain the meaning behind these trend words? Unless you're a data scientist or an AI developer, you may have a hard time understanding the world of data and related technologies. This is exactly where this e⁠-⁠training comes in: You will learn about important topics surrounding Big Data, with no prior knowledge needed. It is not about how you can handle Big Data yourself—but a basic overview of what Big Data actually is, the opportunities and challenges associated with it, and which methods and tools data experts use to create added value from Big Data.
Digitalisierung verstehen
macrolearningUnderstanding Digitalization
Understanding DigitalizationUnderstanding DigitalizationUnderstanding DigitalizationUnderstanding Digitalization
"Understanding Digitalization" takes participants on a journey into the digital world, showing that digitalization is not just about converting physical products and applications into digital products and applications. Conversely, it is above all about the data that is generated in the process. As traditional companies disappear and new companies are emerge, professions are changing. Even doctors may be replaced by digital technologies. The presenter introduces the new power of customers and the need for customer centricity as another significant change. Finally, through transfer tasks, participants are encouraged to examine their own professional environment for digital challenges and potential to resolve.
Storytelling im Unternehmen
macrolearningStorytelling within the Company
Storytelling within the CompanyStorytelling within the CompanyStorytelling within the CompanyStorytelling within the Company
Stories convey information more clearly, effectively and emotionally than facts and figures. Storytelling is part of every company and can be used in many situations, be it in conversations within a team or in conversations with customers. The e⁠-⁠learning course explains what storytelling is and how it works. Videos, tips, mnemonics, instructions and overviews show how to build a good story. Questions, transfer tasks and a final knowledge check ensure that the learning objectives are achieved.
Laterale Führung – wirksam führen ohne Vorgesetztenfunktion
macrolearningLateral Leadership—Leading Effectively Without Being a Supervisor
Lateral Leadership—Leading Effectively Without Being a SupervisorLateral Leadership—Leading Effectively Without Being a SupervisorLateral Leadership—Leading Effectively Without Being a SupervisorLateral Leadership—Leading Effectively Without Being a SupervisorLateral Leadership—Leading Effectively Without Being a Supervisor
More and more projects are being executed outside of traditional corporate hierarchies, by interdepartmental or even intercompany teams assembled based on competencies. In teams like these, there is often no disciplinary leader. Instead, the team has a lateral leader. That leader is then responsible for the project results but without being a superior in charge of the team. In this course, we will explain what exactly the special characteristics of lateral leadership are. We will use a practical example to show you how lateral leadership operates and what leadership tools are of special importance.
Online-Meetings moderieren
macrolearningModerating Online Meetings
Moderating Online MeetingsModerating Online MeetingsModerating Online MeetingsModerating Online MeetingsModerating Online MeetingsModerating Online Meetings
Almost all the rules that apply to face-to-face meetings apply to online meetings as well. But besides good preparation, structured execution, and clear follow-up, other topics also play an important role. How do we deal with requests to speak? How can we hold creative meetings online? And how can we establish social proximity and trust in online meetings? Regardless of the features offered by online meeting tools and apps, this e⁠-⁠learning discusses how online meetings can also be made productive.
Meetings moderieren
macrolearningModerating Meetings
Moderating MeetingsModerating MeetingsModerating MeetingsModerating MeetingsModerating Meetings
Far too often, meetings are perceived as time wasters, which is indicative of just how frequently meetings are badly organized and run. The fact is, meetings fulfill important purposes every day. They are a good format for bringing everyone up to speed, help to identify what's going wrong, and can be used to generate new ideas. Without meetings, we would miss out on critical communication that keeps us afloat in a competitive, ever-changing market. Learn about various meeting formats, how to foster a productive atmosphere as the moderator of a meeting, and acquire all of the necessary tools for dealing with a broad range of challenges—from long-winded ramblers to interrupters.
Digitale Informationsflut effizient meistern
macrolearningOvercoming the Digital Information Overload
Overcoming the Digital Information OverloadOvercoming the Digital Information OverloadOvercoming the Digital Information OverloadOvercoming the Digital Information Overload
The ever-increasing use of digital communication tools has led to information overload in the workplace, which poses challenges for people every day. In this e⁠-⁠training course, you will learn how to control the flood of digital information by using personal information management skills. In addition, you will learn strategies for increasing your productivity, creativity, and ability to concentrate. Practical techniques and tricks will be introduced to demonstrate how to bring order to any overflowing inbox. Additionally, the e⁠-⁠training course will teach you how to scrutinize your personal use of digital communication tools more closely, as well as showing you methods for handling such tools in a balanced and healthy way.
Klassisches Projekt­management – Projekte erfolgreich planen
macrolearningClassic Project Management—Planning Projects Successfully
Classic Project Management—Planning Projects SuccessfullyClassic Project Management—Planning Projects SuccessfullyClassic Project Management—Planning Projects SuccessfullyClassic Project Management—Planning Projects Successfully
Do you sometimes have so many ideas for an upcoming task that you skip the planning for the task altogether and get started right away? Often, this “just do it” mentality is not a bad thing, sometimes it’s even the better way to get things done. In classic project management, however, it is the opposite. Here, planning is key to the success of the project! In this e⁠-⁠training course, you will learn about the success factors of planning in project management. You will learn which projects can be managed using traditional techniques and how important it is to clearly allocate roles to make the project successful. Furthermore, the course highlights the most important planning document(s) for managing a project. You will learn how to define milestones and thus give structure to project planning and the project phases. The course content ends with tips for how to use the kick-off meeting to transition from planning to implementation.
Klassisches Projektmanagement – Projekte erfolgreich steuern
macrolearningClassic Project Management—Successfully Steering Projects
Classic Project Management—Successfully Steering ProjectsClassic Project Management—Successfully Steering ProjectsClassic Project Management—Successfully Steering Projects
Have you defined your project goals and analyzed the environment of your project in detail? Yes?—Excellent! Then you are ready to move from the planning phase into the implementation phase of your project. As a project manager, your main task is to steer the project along the best possible path towards the project goal. In this e⁠-⁠learning course, you will therefore learn how and with which methods you can successfully manage your project. You will deal with the management of project goals, stakeholders, risk as well as project reporting. Each of these are valuable instruments in project steering.
Präsentieren – Die Grundlagen
macrolearningPresenting—Basics of Professional Presentations
Presenting—Basics of Professional PresentationsPresenting—Basics of Professional PresentationsPresenting—Basics of Professional PresentationsPresenting—Basics of Professional Presentations
The ability to present confidently and persuasively is a key skill in more and more professions. This e⁠-⁠training course focuses on the basic techniques and methods that can be used to present content in an engaging and professional manner. Participants will learn how to tailor their presentations to the audience's expectations, prepare them well, and structure them logically. They will also receive practical tips on how to avoid pitfalls in advance.
Präsentieren – Persönlich, souverän und professionell
macrolearningPresenting with Confidence: Personal, Poised, Professional
Presenting with Confidence: Personal, Poised, ProfessionalPresenting with Confidence: Personal, Poised, ProfessionalPresenting with Confidence: Personal, Poised, ProfessionalPresenting with Confidence: Personal, Poised, Professional
There is more to presenting than just delivering information or displaying visuals. A truly effective presentation is personal, tailored, motivating, and engaging. In this e⁠-⁠training course, participants will discover techniques for making their communication more direct, expressive, and compelling, both verbally and non-verbally. Additionally, we'll focus on practical strategies to develop a balanced, communicative mindset and manage presentation anxiety right from the start.
Präsentieren – Überzeugend auftreten im virtuellen Raum
macrolearningPresenting – How to be Convincing in Web Conferences
Presenting – How to be Convincing in Web ConferencesPresenting – How to be Convincing in Web ConferencesPresenting – How to be Convincing in Web Conferences
In today's working environment, it is becoming increasingly important to convey content attractively and convincingly, even in online settings. Online presentations offer a variety of ways to capture the audience's attention and increase the quality of the presentation. This e⁠-⁠training outlines the specifics of presenting online. There are tips for dealing with the technology. Furthermore, participants will learn which media and methods they can use and how.
Argumentieren und Über­zeugen mit der Fünfsatz­technik
macrolearningArguing and Persuading Using the Five-Sentence Method
Arguing and Persuading Using the Five-Sentence MethodArguing and Persuading Using the Five-Sentence Method
Have you ever been lost for words in front of an audience, meaning that what you wanted to say just didn't come across the right way? Do you often lack the necessary persuasive power in important situations? If so, we need to change something about that! Situations in which we are required to use arguments to convince arise every day, both in a professional and private context. In this e⁠-⁠training course, you will learn how to use the five-sentence method to make your arguments simple and above all, effective. Additionally, you will learn what makes a good argument, how to package it effectively, and how to select and apply an appropriate counter strategy for each type of counter-argument.
Überzeugend auftreten – online und in Präsenz
macrolearningHow to be Convincing – Online and in Person 
How to be Convincing – Online and in Person 
When was the last time you were really convinced or even thrilled by someone’s appearance? Think about it for a moment: What exactly convinced you? Was it the content of the argument or also the person’s voice, speech or body language? Chances are, it was a good mix of all the above, because studies have shown that a convincing performance requires both content and personal persuasiveness. It will probably have been a good mix of everything, because according to studies, a convincing performance requires both content and personal persuasiveness! In this e⁠-⁠training you will learn how to use your voice, your language or even your body language and your interactive behavior and improve your personal persuasiveness. Let us convince you!