Understanding the highly complex puzzle of communication is simplified by Paul Watzlawick's "Five Axioms". This shows what certain communicative dynamics look like in practice, and how it is possible to positively shape communication. Dramatizations enable the participants to recognize communication patterns, thereby enabling them to communicate in a more goal-oriented way in the future.
macrolearningModerating Online Meetings
Almost all the rules that apply to face-to-face meetings apply to online meetings as well. But besides good preparation, structured execution, and clear follow-up, other topics also play an important role. How do we deal with requests to speak? How can we hold creative meetings online? And how can we establish social proximity and trust in online meetings? Regardless of the features offered by online meeting tools and apps, this e-learning discusses how online meetings can also be made productive.
macrolearningSuccessfully Structuring Team Development
Learn the basics for your job as a team leader by setting realistic goals and motivating the team for the long run. This course teaches you how to ensure a clear distribution of tasks within your team and how to not only agree on, but implement goal-oriented rules. Furthermore, this e-learning includes measures to promote constructive communication and shows the participants how they can use simple means to sustainably promote trust and cohesion on their team.
macrolearningLearning Strategies—Method Toolbox
With the aid of learning strategies, it is possible to guide memory and learning processes for specific goals. This e-training course introduces participants to a series of learning strategies based on research in the psychology of learning. These strategies are geared to widely varied learning goals—ranging from classic rote learning, to the consolidation and structuring of knowledge, to the more efficient use of informative texts and one's own notes. Participants will learn how to apply these strategies for self-directed learning opportunities in everyday work, and what makes them so effective.
macrolearningDelegating Tasks
Delegating is more than just "do it"! Participants will learn which tasks can be delegated in principle and which ones must not be passed on under any circumstances. They learn to develop requirement profiles in order to be able to assign respective activities to appropriate employees. Additionally, learn the four stages of the delegation discussion, avoid back delegations, and learn to check agreements and deadlines.
macrolearningScrum—The Overview
Learn about the background and development of Scrum as described by Jeff Sutherland in his book "The Scrum Revolution" where Sutherland references the Toyota Principle and the Plan-Do-Check-Act Method. Additionally, get to know the basics of Scrum such as working in teams, focused work, and the division into product owner, scrum master and team. Finally, learn what the organization of a project looks like, according to scrum.
macrolearningClosing the Sale
Many salespeople are excellent advisors, but often find it difficult to close the deal. This training enables sales staff to expand their skills by developing their closing technique. Using realistic scenes, you can observe how the purchase can be systematically completed. You will also learn how to terminate the sales process when it becomes clear that the customer does not want to buy.
macrolearningMotivating Team Members
When employees hide behind their desks, it may not be because of ill will or convenience. They often lack knowledge, ability and confidence in themselves. So how can managers motivate their employees to come out of their shell and conquer new tasks? In this e-learning, the participants will learn helpful methods of employee motivation. This courses focuses on "self-efficacy".
macrolearningOnline Negotiations
More and more sales negotiations are being conducted online. This has many advantages, but also creates challenges. This e-training course, designed for experienced sales managers and sales professionals, deals specifically with the characteristic features of online negotiations. How can you build good relationships with your negotiating partners? How do you utilize the most constructive communication possible in online negotiations? And how do you resolve difficult situations? This e-training course answers these questions and shows you how online negotiations can intelligently and profitably expand your repertoire as a negotiation expert.
macrolearningWorking Successfully in Your Home Office
More and more people are working from home all or part of the time. That has a lot of advantages, such as a better work-life balance and being spared the daily commute to work. At the same time, employees working from home also face major challenges. Many of the structures otherwise taken for granted are no longer there, and the easy, convenient contact with colleagues is also gone. The personal responsibility is greater—everyone is called upon to structure their working time, organize their workstation, avoid distractions and stay self-motivated. Learn how to do this in this practical training that includes many tips and transfer tasks for your everyday life working from home.
macrolearningConflict Resolution for Managers
For managers, the rule is: intervene as little as possible, but as much as necessary in a conflict involving their own employees. As a starting point, it is important to also recognize hidden conflicts and assess their severity. The theoretical basis for this is provided by Friedrich Glasl's model of the nine stages of conflict escalation. It clearly shows how conflicts can escalate if timely intervention is neglected. For each escalation stage, managers will learn various methods of conflict resolution - from the promotion of independent conflict resolution to mediation and arbitration as well as to the intervention of power.
macrolearningIntercultural Communication in Teams
Teams are becoming more diverse, as members can often hail from different countries and cultures. Consequently, intercultural communication is becoming more and more important, especially at work. In this e-learning course, users will learn what "culture" means and discuss important concepts from the works of Geert Hofstede and E. T. Hall. Participants will also learn how to become more aware of cultural differences and receive valuable leadership tools with which to manage intercultural teams. The aim of the course is to enhance the intercultural skills of the participants.
macrolearningMaking Good Decisions
Decisive strength is an essential skill in an ever faster changing environment. Participants can develop and expand this competence in this multimedia e-learning. Learn to quickly categorize a task, discern what needs to be done immediately and what can be postponed, and other methods that can help with good decision-making.
macrolearningHow to Use Questioning Techniques
Questions set thought processes in motion. Nothing is more convincing than the answers we give ourselves. With the help of this training course, the participants will learn the fundamental difference between open and closed questions, and how to apply questioning techniques correctly.
macrolearningConducting Termination Meetings
Termination meetings differ from other meetings due to immense importance they have for the employees involved. They are often associated with a great emotional shock that can manifest in various ways. It is part of your job as a manager to conduct termination meetings in a professional and respectful manner. This e-training course will equip you with the tools you need to do this. You will learn the proper way to perpare and how you should plan and structure termination meetings. One focus of the e-training course is handling emotional factors: What are typical reactions and how can you deal with them well? In an extra chapter, you will learn how to conduct termination meetings by online videoconferencing or telephone.
macrolearningNew to the Leadership Role
The focus is on specialists who are promoted to management level. This training is suitable as a preparation for management tasks and imparts knowledge on result control, process management, employee leadership and self-management. The participants learn how to handle different expectations and conflicts of interest. In addition, seven leadership myths are explained and refuted - because leadership does not fit into simple patterns.
macrolearningDesign Thinking
This e-training was developed by design thinking practitioners. At the center is a real-life, anonymized project demonstrating how a manufacturer of garage doors developed new products and solutions using a design thinking process. Here, you will be introduced to concepts such as the problem space, the solution space, and the prerequisites needed in order to apply design thinking. In a special chapter, the Persona Concept is also presented using a practical example.
macrolearningSelf-Organized Learning
With the possibilities offered by digitization, learning is becoming more flexible, diverse, and individualized, than ever before. Thanks to this, you now have the opportunity to take more control of your learning process. In this e-training course, you will learn about which parts of the learning process you can have an influence on – and you will receive numerous tips for successful self-organized learning. You will learn how to identify your learning needs, and, from these, you will learn how to set learning goals and get to grips with learning content. You will also find out how to select the appropriate learning resources and create a framework that is conducive to your learning. Furthermore, you will learn how you can learn productively with other people. And, finally, you will learn how to evaluate your learning process.
macrolearningManage Team Phases Successfully
The four team phases according to Bruce Tuckman form the core of this e-learning course. Participants will learn how to accompany their team proactively through a series of phases. The course explains each phase individually and shows examples of the phase using common scenarios. Building on this, participants learn more about management instruments suitable for each phase. The five dysfunctions of a team according to Lencioni are also presented in a separate chapter. This course contains checklists, exercises and transfer tasks.
macrolearningThe Harvard Approach to Conflict Management
The Harvard Concept is considered one of the most important methods of conflict resolution. Its core principles, such as distinguishing between interests and positions, are the basis for mediation and conflict resolution around the world. In this e-learning course, participants will learn how to apply the Harvard Concept to the challenges they face in their work. They will learn the key guidelines and be encouraged to apply the Harvard concept and in this way strive for win-win solutions.
macrolearningManaging Groups in a Training
One of the major challenges for business experts is the communicative complexity of dynamic groups. Trainers and presenters often encounter having to slow down frequent speakers, reset after disruptions, and keep composure in awkward situations. In this course, you will become familiar with these challenges and learn solutions that can help.
macrolearningThe Manager as a Coach
Coaching is a highly effective option for supporting people in their development. Managers can also use the coaching approach to strengthen the self-responsibility, motivation, and performance of their employees. At the same time, given the countless offers that are available, there is tremendous uncertainty about what coaching actually is and how it can be employed for best results. This training explains what coaching is all about and how managers in particular can put coaching to use for their teams. It also explains key skills and methods as well as a globally established model that can be used for structuring coaching conversations.
macrolearningSituational Leadership®
The maturity model is also known as Situational leadership®. In this course, participants learn to lead employees in a way that corresponds to their individual situation. Four different leadership styles are discussed: instructive, coaching, participative, and delegating. They also learn how to assess the respective maturity level of an employee.
macrolearningModerating Meetings
Far too often, meetings are perceived as time wasters, which is indicative of just how frequently meetings are badly organized and run. The fact is, meetings fulfill important purposes every day. They are a good format for bringing everyone up to speed, help to identify what's going wrong, and can be used to generate new ideas. Without meetings, we would miss out on critical communication that keeps us afloat in a competitive, ever-changing market. Learn about various meeting formats, how to foster a productive atmosphere as the moderator of a meeting, and acquire all of the necessary tools for dealing with a broad range of challenges—from long-winded ramblers to interrupters.
macrolearningKnowing Team Roles and Making Them Productive
At the core of this e-learning are Meredith Belbin's team roles. The participants get to know the three main types of roles on a team: activity-based, thinking and problem-solving, and people-oriented roles. Strengths and weaknesses of each role are presented in detail, promoting understanding and appreciation of the Belbin model and the resulting role differences. Aiming to support the participants in their skill development, this course also contains checklists, exercises, and transfer tasks.
macrolearningMethods and Tools for Online Knowledge Transfer
This e-learning discusses special features of online training and how to prepare an online training environment. Learn about special features in the knowledge acquisition phase and how to activate and manage participants.
macrolearningCorrect Deployment of External Personnel—What Managers Need to Know
Participants will learn about options for external staffing and criteria for choosing the right form of contract. They will learn how to properly draft contracts to avoid illegal employment. Professional moderation, videos and explanatory films also offer differences, delimitation criteria and a risk check.
macrolearningLeading and Motivating Employees in Home Office
More and more often people are working from home. Managerial tasks remain the same and are based on a combination of people-oriented and goal-oriented leadership. This results in five central challenges: building trust, achieving results, resolving conflicts, developing employees and motivating employees. However, these leadership challenges have to be executed differently at a distance compared to when in direct contact with employees. Get started to unlock this crucial skill.
macrolearningUnderstanding and Identifying Types of Conflicts
The causes of conflicts vary in individual cases. Nevertheless, different types of conflict can clearly be identified in everyday life: Role conflicts, goal conflicts, assessment conflicts, personal conflicts and distribution conflicts. In this e-training, participants learn about the different types of conflict. This puts them in a position to analyze the causes of conflict and thus develop conflict solutions more quickly and in a more targeted manner. With the help of theoretical input, game scenes and exercises, participants are enabled to apply and implement what they have learned in their real-life environment.
macrolearningBecoming More Productive and Satisfied at Work
In this e-learning course, you will learn how you can work more productively and with less stress. It's not about working faster and harder to boost output. Instead, you can employ easy-to-learn methods to structure your day efficiently and be more relaxed in achieving your goals. You will learn how to get into the flow and become absorbed in your work. We will show you what your biorhythm has to do with your productivity and how you can plan your day so that you work harmoniously with your internal clock. After all, people who work efficiently, with less stress, not only perform better but are also more relaxed and satisfied on the job.